
3 Titles

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Dental care during the Covid-10 pandemic in Ecuador: : Behavior of the age groups of District 03D01

Luisa Andrea Urgiles Rojas, Angel Aurelio Morocho Macas, Rodrigo Fernando Vallejo Aguirre, Cristina Mercedes Crespo Crespo, Walter Xavier Paladines Yange, Jhandry Alexander Pérez Guamán, Helen Lisbeth Martínez Centeno, María Manuela Loja Naula, María Gisela Pañora Coronel, Angie Lizbeth Rojas Salazar
February 29, 2024

Equipment for clinical photography : in dentistry

Paúl Fernando Vergara Sarmiento, Jose Damian Ruano Real, Angel Aurelio Morocho Macas
July 2, 2024

The Trigeminal Nerve: An academic perspective from the field of Dentistry

Rodrigo Fernando Vallejo Aguirre, Janneth Cecilia Urgiles Esquivel , Doris Eliana Calderón Alemán, Paola Alexandra Ordoñez Crespo, Gabriela Alejandra Ortega Castro, Agustin Alejandro Vallejo Rodas, Lissbeth  Alexandra Yupa Allaico , Nardo Adrián Encalada Jara  , Ekaitz Guamán Armijos , Jhennecy Leicel Rojas Reyes, Luatany Salomé Suquisupa Gualán, Tatiana Salomé Chamba Gaona
November 20, 2023