Publicación en la Editorial REDLIC
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Nos complace anunciar que contamos con las siguientes vacantes en el Catálogo de Prensa.
1. Editores de sección [7]
2. Editores asociados [10]
In the context of a society in which health and well-being are emerging as essential foundations for full human development, “Malnutrition and Eating Habits: A Vision in Health Personnel” stands as a guiding light in the midst of the storm, clearly directing health professionals towards a deep understanding of the intricate relationship that links nutrition and health.
In Chapter 1, we begin with an introduction to malnutrition; in relation to Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), which have assumed a preponderant position in the public health scenario. Through statistics that testify to the worrying prevalence of these challenges, the door to introspection and action is opened. Health professionals, who devote their lives to caring for others, often relegate their own dietary health. This chapter reveals the veils that conceal the non-nutritious eating habits that have permeated their work routines, urgently pointing to the imminent need for transformative change.
Chapter 2 immerses us in the theoretical foundation underpinning these eating habits. Understanding the psychology underlying food choices emerges as an essential premise for transformation. From environmental influence to ingrained behavioral patterns, the intricate layers that shape our food choices unfold.
The exploration continues in Chapter 3, where the various types of foods and macro nutrients are addressed, uncovering their essential role in nutrition. Anthropometrics, covered in Chapter 4, brings a quantitative perspective to the conversation. Anthropometric measurements and data reflect not only physical condition, but also the traces of dietary habits and their impact on the body.
The web of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases is woven into Chapter 5, where it is revealed how these ailments find their genesis in dietary choices. This chapter stands as a stark reminder that what we eat has a direct impact on our long-term health.
The very heart of the book beats in Chapter 6, which presents a comprehensive study of malnutrition in healthcare workers. Statistics, results and observations amalgamate to form a clear and eloquent picture of the reality faced by those who have the responsibility of caring for others.
The journey culminates in Chapters 7 and 8, where the results are precisely analyzed, highlighting the most relevant connections and findings. The final reflections, in Chapter 9, are a call to action. Deep understanding must be followed by a willingness to change, and this chapter calls on all readers to be agents of change both in their own lives and in the health community.
The last stages of the journey, Chapters 10 and 11, offer concrete recommendations and a proposed eating plan. This stands as a beacon of hope, showing that change is feasible and providing a pathway to optimized nutrition and wellness.
“Malnutrition and Eating Habits: A Vision in Health Care Personnel” transcends the pages of the book; it is a call to action. Its purpose is to illuminate the path to healthier living, not just for healthcare professionals, but for all of us. In a world where information confers power, this book becomes an influential instrument of change and transformation.
Larry Torres
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Estimados investigadores:
Nos complace anunciar que contamos con las siguientes vacantes en el Catálogo de Prensa.
1. Editores de sección [7]
2. Editores asociados [10]
E-ISSN: 2960-8015
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